Tuesday 8 October 2013

NHS 1st Treatment

For this 3 minute NHS film highlighting the 'Time To Change' campaign I've decided to focus on the issue of male suicides, a huge problem largely unknown by most of society. This film will try to raise awareness about the problem.

The film will follow 3 characters, each one in their own unique situation, all suffering from depression. First we have a 19 year old student out on a chilled night with his friends. The next character is a 24 years old, employed and dating, seemingly with the world open to him at his feet. And finally we have a 16 year old school boy struggling to study for his final exams.

Depression, mental health and/or emotional difficulties manifest themselves in different ways, so having the film follow these 3 characters we can display 3 very different situations and 3 different emotional responses.

The film will begin with a light introduction to each character, quickly establishing that they are not content, that something is amiss. The 19 year old ignoring the friendly banter of his friends. The 24 year old sat in his car, alone, on a rainy night outside of town and the 16 year old scrolling through Facebook ignoring his study books on his desk. Archetype characters but characters the audience can understand very quickly.

We then move a little closer to each of the characters. It's been said that when a man has something seriously troubling him that their outward actions are commonly interpreted as being anti social, aggressive and even violent. So, what the 2nd act of the film will show is these characters breaking down. Further research needs to be done to make sure these characters act out in a real and legitimate way. I want to really give the sense that these characters are bottling up their emotions then suddenly the lid bursts open letting their feelings begin to show in a very real, random and human way.

The 3rd act will see these characters embraced by their friends and/or family. The message I intend to deliver with this film is that you should not feel alone in your suffering, that it is OK for a man to show their feelings, that your friends and family will be there to help and listen. But I also want to make the public aware that we should all be open to help anyone, regardless of gender. As a society it is wrong to think less of a man for displaying emotions or admitting he has problems. That's where the message 'Time To Change' is so relevant.

With regards to style visually/structurally I believe that this film will work in a way similarly to the Cancer Research adds. Those films display multiple stories and multiple characters in a short but emotive time frame.

We will need a multitude of locations if we are to follow the 3 characters. The stories will take place in a pub, a car outside of town (preferably), a bedroom and a park. I understand that within the time frame of this project that might pose a problem, this maybe something to take into consideration before work really begins on the scripts.

At the end of the piece I'd quite like the 3 characters to meet. Just briefly. In a short scene that hits home the message that 'you're not alone'. I want to leave as positive a feeling as possible at the end of the film. Hopefully inspire these men who are suffering and make the public appreciate that this problem needs addressing.      

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