Friday 3 May 2013

Bowling For Columbine

Even though a lot of people seem to say that Micheal Moore is biased and one sided I still really enjoy his feature documentaries. It's pretty clear what side of the fence Moore sits on and what his views are regarding guns in the US, so I wont get into that, far to political, but I just want to comment on his interviewing and how brave he is when asking his questions.

Now that we've shot nearly 80% of our film I can say interviewing is a hard technique to learn, there are so many variables when planning an interview it seems almost impossible to actually see your plan through and get the kind of information you need for your film. It must be twice as hard extracting that information when all of your contributors are directly linked to such horrific events such as public shootings. However Moore seems to develop such a rapport with his contributors that they seem so willing to reveal such personal information, but when, for example, he speaks to someone like Charlton Heston of the NRA he isn't afraid to ask serious questions and put the interviewee under the spotlight. Its a technique that seems to have created a bit of debate whether his tactics are morally correct or not but again that's to be discussed another time.

I think this kind of documentary film making requires a special something from it's creator and the subject does need to be a very personal issue. These kinds of films would not be so interesting if the presenter was passive, or simply being educated by what the contributors present throughout the film.    

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