Friday 12 April 2013

Documentary Progress Report

Even though the documentary filming weeks are over we still have a number of interviews in the pipeline. We’ve got an interview with the Leeds Met computer forensics tutor and we’re still waiting on the tutor who teaches criminology, also of Leeds Met. They were unable to provide an interview last semester due to teaching commitments.

Currently we have interviews from Mark Bottomley who discusses the police perspective of online crime/social media. Gemma of Crimestoppers, she explained how the police and Crimestoppers are reaching out to victims with social media. We’ve also interviewed Andy Brown who does not use social media at all so we have an insight into the life of someone who could be considered a bit of an outcast in the online world. We’ve also got an interesting interview with an online pirate who has recently been caught and could be facing police charges.

We’ve also filmed some little reconstructions and potential cut away shots, we still intend to keep filming as much as possible when possible to help the films visual flair.

So far, we are still struggling to find a solid narrative that ties each interview together in an interesting way. A lot of the people who could have added good content have just not been willing to contact us. We tried getting in touch with some local MPs but their secretaries have given us the run around. We attempted to contact Paul Chambers and Ryan Akroyd who’s recently been in the news. We also attempted to conduct public interviews but surprisingly most people seemed uninterested when asked about online crime, hacking, cyber bullying.

Having said that, looking back through the rushes we are stringing interviews together and this is helping inform our questions for future contributors.

As we are still looking for additional content we haven’t started editing anything just yet but we do have a rough idea about which parts of the interviews will likely go into the film.

This is pretty much as far as we’ve got.      

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