Saturday 6 April 2013

My First Interview

I just wanted to take a few notes down regarding how strange an experience interviewing a contributor was. While working I did interview potential employees, it was relatively simple and I expected the documentary interview to be similar, it wasn't, at all.

The first thing I had to contend with was my nerves, I've already commented on the difficulties we've had on the documentary so I wasn't really brimming with confidence on the day. It was our first interview, we needed something, there was a lot of pressure. It's crazy to think I got so wound up over a simple conversation with someone who was probably equally as nervous, but you don't really think like that at the time, it was a case of 'don't fuck up or I've had it' - which wasn't the case at all. 

I also found the whole set up really odd, I was placed next to the camera and my contributor was placed a good few meter's away, who on earth has a conversation that far away? Thinking about it now I'm sure we could have moved closer together, it would have helped the interview ten folds.

Looking back I think that huge gap between us really hampered the interview, I found it really difficult listening to her, there was a lot of waffle going on, but I was also thinking about the next question to ask. After the question was answered there was also this horrible long pause while I checked my notes and composed myself to ask the next question. In time I imagine it will get a lot easier and I think it helps when you feel really passionate about the subject your discussing.

I think in the end it all boils down to how confident and calm you are, you can't think clearly if your tense and that was the problem. Putting it all into perspective it was just a conversation, that's all it ever really is, if I was calm enough to extract the information I wanted the interview would have gone better, I'm not done with documentary film making just yet so I'm sure I'll learn more as a go. 

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