Friday 26 April 2013

Vignette Script

INT. bedroom - DAY
PADDY, 19, sits at his desk, littered with textbooks, staring at a blank word document on his laptop. He can hear the clock ticking, it becomes louder and louder and louder still.
paddy (V.O.)
It always starts the same, the twitches. Always the same feeling. Straight in at the bottom of my spine and rising, through my neck into my head jolting it around as it forces it's way out.
As he continues to stare at the screen it becomes unbearable and he has to get up out of his chair. He has to pace around his room, not able to stop for a second.
paddy (V.O.) (CONT'D)
I remember been told, TOURETTE'S. It's something I'll never be able to forget, the day I got diagnosed.
As he continues to pace around his room, he sees a piece of paper on the wall. He sees the word "FUCK" written on it.
paddy (v.o.) (CONT'D)
I think it was the car crash, I was sure about it, but I didn't care. It became worse. The verbal twitches, they started forcing me to swear. I tried to hold it in, not let it get to me but it made me feel so sick, right at the pit of my gut... 
I'll never forget failing that exam.
He dismissed the paper on the wall, but as he turns away from it he sees two more pieces of paper both with sear words on them stuck to the opposite wall. 
He turns and sees more on the other wall. He goes to the window and opens the curtains, letting light into the room. As light consumes the room, he turns to see the entire room covered in pieces of paper with swear words covering them.
paddy (v.o.) (CONT'D)
I had to learn to cope other wise it would have killed me. Ignore it just ignore it that's what I tried. Now it takes over me for that twitch, that moment, then move on.

He stops turning between the walls and stands still in the middle of the room, but still the pieces of paper appear on the wall.
paddy (v.o.) (CONT'D)
It's hardest those times I can't move on, when it overtakes me completely. I can't fight it, not worth trying; I'll lose.
Paddy looks around his room, he can't see anything for the pieces of paper surrounding him. He closes his eyes, takes several deeps breaths.
paddy (v.o.) (CONT'D)
All I can do is try cope with it, for a little while, at least. But I know I'll never be rid of it completely. I know it is waiting to come back.
When he opens his eyes all the pieces of paper have gone. He takes a seat back at his laptop. He looks up at the wall above and stuck there is a piece of paper with a swear word on it.

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