Tuesday 29 March 2011

Pan's Labyrinth Viewing

As I'm looking to do a film based on woodland folklore I thought it would be a good idea to watch Guillermo Del Toro's criticality acclaimed 'Pan's Labyrinth'.

Being honest I still don't really rate the film and it didn't really help inspire any new ideas. The film seem'd, to me, more focused on the period it was set and instead of expanding on this amazing fantasy world it treat the scenes with Ofelia and her visits into the nether realm as a hindrance.                 


  1. I disagree! The subtlety and organic use of the fantasy aspects in contrast to the gritty realism of the Spanish revolution kept the film away from the hyperbole of its close namesake, Labyrinth. The reality made the opposite all the more alien but endurable, something any fantasy should look to achieve when asking an audience to take a leap of faith. As you mentioned, the fantasy was sparse but I liked that it made you wish to be taken into the other world, dangled it in front of you so you followed Ofelia’s desire to remove herself from the grim and insufferable world around her. The film was good at not confirming whether the fantasy was meant to be real within this paradigm or whether this was a young girl’s struggle to keep her sanity in a situation of oppression and fear therefore I was really happy that the film didn’t turn into Willow or Legend.

  2. Fair points, but I just found it boring, after the second test I was hoping it would just end. The scene with the toad in the hole was just awful, it hardly moved and the scene lacked any tension. Twice I've seen it and twice I haven't really enjoyed it. Each to their own I guess.

  3. I understand what you mean, my favourite bits were the spanish revolution parts, I thought Segi Lopez was the best thing about the film, that guy knew how to create tension!

  4. If you haven't seen it, the dialogue in 'Inglorious Basterds' is brilliant and extremely tense, i reckon you're talented enough to write a 'Jew Hunter' role.

  5. Yh 'Inglorious Basterds' is a fantastic film, edge of the seat stuff.


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